FLEX4RES 4th General Assembly

We are excited to share the highlights of the 4th General Assembly of the FLEX4RES project, which took place on May 15th and 16th, 2024 at the Crowne Plaza Athens – City Centre. This event brought together project partners, Advisory Board members, and key stakeholders to discuss advancements and strategies around Data Spaces for Flexible Production Lines and Supply Chains for Resilient Manufacturing. Over two days, participants explored topics ranging from resilience assessment tools to decision-making strategies for supply chain reconfiguration, along with updates on pilot case setups and project management milestones.

Key sessions included presentations on the Open Framework for Dataspaces and the AAS for reconfigurable supply chains, Resilience Assessment Toolboxes, and Decision Making for Reconfiguration Strategies. The assembly also featured workshops on Knowledge Exchange Results (KERs) and collaborative sessions preparing for upcoming review meetings. The event concluded with valuable feedback from Advisory Board members and discussions on the next steps for the project. We look forward to building on the insights shared and continuing our journey toward more resilient and flexible manufacturing solutions.